

  • Players: Single Player

  • Genre: Music , Rhythm

  • Engine: Unity

  • My Role: Lead Programmer

  • Team Size: 6

  • Teammates Roles:

    3 Modelers - 2 Animators

    1 Production Manager - 1 UI Designer

Rhythmix is a single player mobile/PC rhythm game with the goal of playing fun songs in a fun and interesting environment as your run/play throughout the level.

Enviroment system

In the original planning of Rhythmix we plan to have multiple levels with different environment such as the road, the city, and the characters. So I plan out for all the assets to swappable with other assets. So the road has a environment spawning script in which it picks an randomize selections prefabs of set pieces that the environment artist created. This gives the environment more a varied feeling to it. Also within this game the player do not move throughout the scene it actually the environment moving towards you making it feel as the player is moving throughout it. That being said I believe a shortcoming with this environment system would be constant spawning of big city set pieces then moving said objects would make it harder to optimize for real time lighting.

UI Menu

For the UI I created a simple a selection screen script that go throughout our level that only being two. The tutorial and main level (Alley Rats). I used two arrays of the images and a array of their positions. So the process to move them are making the array of images either one index to the left or right. Then I match each of those images to the corresponding position therefore giving the look of moving in a rotating matter. Looking back now I would improve the adjustable of the actual levels as this only currently supports only the two levels and will now support more. I believe to fix this is to make a prefab of the images and each image carries it level data and title of the level that it carries with it.

Gameplay system

For the gameplay system I used a MIDI plugin for Unity to get the data from the music such as the tempo map, notes timestamps, notes duration, song playtime and much more to accurately spawn the notes in which the player would need to tap/hit in the game in order to score points and hopefully not die. Also in the gameplay system is the combo meter that being the more notes you hit in a row the higher your combo meter goes up (max is 4X). This combo meter system affects the audio spectrum (the things on the side) to change colors (red to green) and even be more intense as the combo becomes greater. Another feature of the game is the UI feedback I given to the player such as the health playing animations and also changing colors depending on the remaining health.
