Rocket Ryan 2


  • Players: Single Player

  • Genre: Arcade, Tank

  • Engine: Unity

  • My Role: Lead Programmer

  • Team Size: 2

  • Teammates Roles:

    1 Modeler

Rocket Ryan 2 is a single player PC Arcade Tank game with the goal of having a engaging gameplay and have competing high scores in a online leaderboard.

Player Scripts

The Player Scripts for the main player was simple and easy as the main inspiration for the game was from it’s original game Rocket Ryan which was inspire by old tank games such as Tank City with our spin in the genre. Such as the player is always moving forward and cannot stop, they can boost, and have cat bomb that attracts enemies. I achieve this by using the Unity Input System and having a movement component that controls which direction the player is looking at. This movement component controls everything movement related to the player such as moving forward, boosting, and turning. For the shooting I create a playergun component script that controls everything about shooting. All these actions are control by the player script which controls the inputs and “talks” to the other components.

AI programming

The AI for Rocket Ryan 2 was simple but fun to create as I used a based class called “Enemy”. This class held the essentials to the enemies such as adding itself to the scorekeeper enemy list and blow up (death). This made making the other enemies such as the trap enemy, bomb enemy, bull enemy, much easier to make as they are a child class of the enemy one. They all shared the same but slight different approach to the player such as if the bomb enemy gets close is begins it’s countdown to explode or the bull enemy once it lines up with the player it rushes the player quickly.
