Knight Quest


  • Players: Single Player

  • Genre: Platformer, Rouge

  • Engine: Unity

  • My Role: Lead Programmer

  • Team Size: 1

  • Teammates Roles:


Knight Quest is small rogue like platformer game inspired by Risk of Rain. The goal was to make stacking item effect system in which the more items you grab the more that item effect is granted to player.

Item Stacking

Item stacking in roguelikes games such as Risk of Rain, Streets of Rogue, RoboQuest, and Gunfire Reborn can be hard to balance as item stacking effects can become very powerfully quickly and is assume to be a important topic in the game development process. While that is important step in the process I decided for this game item stacking system will not have any caps and the player can get quite powerful. I achieve this by having a based class called “Item” in which all item are based off. This based class handle showing description of the item, adding the item stack to the UI, and other things all items share in common. This make each item that have special effects to the player such as adding a speed boost, life steal, attack speed, and other effects.
