Sonny ponce - gameplay programmer

My name is Sonny Ponce. I am a gameplay programmer. I have completed a 4 year Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, majoring in Animation & Game Design. Currently I am working as a Software Engineer in SAIC developing AR/VR research applications.

I have working experience creating games with C# and C++. In 2021, I created a indie game with one other collaborator called Rocket Ryan 2 which was developed in the Unity Game Engine. In addition, I also worked on Kingdom’s Fall in a team of 7 members as the lead programmer implementing gameplay dynamics within the Unreal Engine.

I willingly welcome opportunities to use and further develop my skills in the game development industry. Lets work together contact me here!


  • C#

  • UE4 Blueprint

  • C++

  • Python

Programming Languages:


  • Unity

  • Unreal Engine


  • Maya

  • Github

  • Visual Studio

  • JetBrains Rider

  • Photometrica


  • VR

  • Android Dev

  • IOS Dev

  • PC